
Continuum #28

Workflow email notifications, notify all Control Center users and blog event hooks

New in this release


Workflow email notifications
Infrequent users of your CMS can struggle to react quickly when new tasks are assigned to them. But with the simple addition of workflow email notifications, they can always stay up-to-date.

Notify all users
Whether you need to let your users know about new features, training opportunities or system maintenance, sometimes its necessary to email everyone on your system. Now you can do just that directly from your Jadu CMS using our simple notify all users interface.

Release notes

New Control center users can now opt to receive an email alert when a new workflow item is created for them.

New Can now send an email to all control center users to notify them of system changes etc.

New CMS events are now thrown when a blog post is created, updated or deleted.

New The configuration value that controls which document editor is used is now available on all galaxy sites, not just those that have been recently published.

Fix Fixed an issue where autoloading of the galaxy deploy event listener failed. Directory name now matches the expected class name.

Fix Fixed PHP Notice when using the Control Center relating to ADMIN_LOGGING being undefined.

Fix "Permission denied" message is no longer shown inappropriately.

Fix Fixed a validation error in the translation tasks Control Center interface.

Fix Values are no longer lost when an error is made completing the multimedia manager upload form.

Fix Control Center pages no longer trigger a PHP warning related a missing include. The include path now uses the correct constant value.

Fix Snippets that only require javascript are now correctly saved and displayed when the page is viewed.

Update Added automated tests for forgot password email, and fixed issues with some of the failing sanity tests and record new pulsar pages.

Update Added automated tests for verifying email alerts on sending an item for approval.

Update Added automated tests for adding widgets in homepages and viewing them live.

Update Custom modules can now extend the javascript and CSS included in Control Center templates.

Update Controllers that extend the Control Center Page controller must now define a method that returns their module page path.

Breaking changes

  • Controllers that extend the Control Center Page controller must now define a method that returns their module page path.
  • processCountSQL public method is now defined on the DataMapper class. Classes that extend DataMapper must declare this method as public too.


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Semantic version number: 12.3.0