
CMS 21.0.0 and above

In CMS 21.0.0, we have introduced compatibility with our updated system requirements. This includes support for PHP 7.4, MariaDB 10.5 and SQL Server 2019. Alongside these changes, we have updated the spellchecker to offer support for non-UK English.


Updated spellchecker

In this release, we have added support for an alternative spellchecker implementation, which utilises integration with Hunspell. Existing customers will continue to use the current spellchecker, as additional resources are required for the new implementation. Please refer to our documentation for details of how to set up, or contact our support team if your platform is hosted by Jadu. Advice on adding a new dictionary for the spellchecker is available in our developer manual.

The user interface for the spellchecker has also been updated to better meet WCAG 2.1 AA criteria.

Other features

  • Version 21.0.0 introduces compatibility with MariaDB 10.5. A number of changes to our database schema have been made to become compatible with this updated version, including renaming JaduHomepages.rows to JaduHomepages.pageRows and adding default values to JaduContentTypes columns. Developer guidance for the changes in 21.0.0 and above are available in our developer manual.
  • Galaxies sites’ SSL configuration for Apache configuration has been moved into a separate configuration file, microsites/templates/apache/ssl_block.cfg, to allow easier maintenance and configuration within the customer's environments.
  • PHP 7.4 compatibility has also been introduced. Details of the changes within PHP 7.4 are available on php.net. We have also produced some notes on how to test your changes with new versions of PHP.


  • Homepages
    • Fixed homepage designer to resolve an issue where widgets which were a part of a combined widget would behave unexpectedly when being moved
    • Fixed the homepage list page, view all content option is no longer shown to admins without “view all” permission
  • Widgets
    • Fixed widget manager where saving a widget would erroneously encode manually submitted code
  • Multimedia
    • Fixed the delete function on the WebDav bulk uploads list page in the multimedia area
  • Content locks
    • Fixed content lock emails where email would fail to send if the email included more than 1 BCC or CC address
    • Fixed the unlock function on the task list page
  • Content schedule
    • Fixed document creation where a blank content schedule would be created where no schedule was set
  • Events
    • Fixed the event list page, the create button is no longer shown to admins without create permission
    • Fixed an issue where duplicate entries for the event location page could be present in the database on Windows installs
  • Directories
    • Fixed the directory field settings page, default values are now saved correctly for text box, textarea, email and link fields
  • Site settings
    • Fixed the image library button on the site settings page
  • Admin privileges
    • Fixed the admin privileges page, save button is now shown correctly when approaching admin license limit, the “refine” option is no longer shown for every module and the delete option is now correctly checked when all sub modules are checked
  • Marketing list filters
    • Fixed the save function on the marketing list filter page, targeting question answers and title are now saved correctly
  • LLPG import
    • Fixed the DTF file import, easting and northing values are now properly typed before being added to the database
  • Documents
    • Fixed saving documents in PDF format, images are now properly embedded
  • Proxy settings
    • Fixed the proxy setting page, incorrect proxy details no longer cause the page to become inaccessible
  • Photon templates
    • Fixed the gallery widget, now respects the live status of the gallery
    • Fixed the change details page, confirmation message now sent correctly when email confirmation enabled
    • Fixed the registration page, can now register successfully when no registration preferences have been set
    • Fixed CXM session expiry to prevent redirect loop
  • /jadu/Category/Event/Object and /jadu/Event/Object files have been removed from the application



  • Directories
    • Fixed an issue with editing directory records that include a HTML field. Editing the record without updating the HTML field content no longer causes whitespace to be saved in the field. A database migration is included to remove bad data introduced by this issue and a note has been added on its action to our developer guidance.
  • Galaxies
    • Fixed the Classic Galaxies templates. References to ESRI ArcGIS integration on directory record and event pages no longer cause errors.
  • Homepages
    • Fixed an issue with the homepage designer. Removing an item from a stack of combined widgets no longer causes the stack to become disordered.
  • Fixed an issue in database migration 20200826093041. The migration now rolls back successfully on a SQLServer environment.


Integration with Silktide

Silktide is an online site governance tool that is used to check the quality of your website. It can report on spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and accessibility issues, amongst other functionality. With this integration in Jadu CMS, we can now:

  • Populate a link in the page inspector in Silktide directly to edit that page within Jadu CMS
  • Push changes to Silktide as soon as they are published as part of workflow to allow earlier testing of new versions.


  • Directories:
    • Improved the relevance of postcode searches by integrating region biasing on the locale constant. The region used by the search is based on the “locale” constant value.
    • Updated logic around postcode search to ensure that whitespace in imported latitude and longitude values is ignored.
    • Fixed issue where images assigned to directory adverts with large file names would be stripped down to 50 characters if the provided filename was longer.
  • Events:
    • Fixed Event repeat days selection in Control Centre to correctly display the selected days after saving.
    • Removed unexpected "required" behaviour from Events time fields.
  • News:
    • The news list page now shows the correct status ro news items when a filter is applied to the list.
    • The content schedule fields in metadata on news records now display the submitted values correctly after saving.
    • Fixed issue which could lead to the RSS feed on Classic Galaxies sites to break when special characters were used in news articles.
  • Documents:
    • Fixed an issue where the content history modal wouldn't show for a document when the document title contained special characters.
    • Fixed a JavaScript error preventing autosave from working on Document Pages and Gallery Details.
  • Downloads:
    • Fixed an issue where the last new file link added to a download would be overwritten with the new one when adding multiple links without refreshing the page.
    • Refreshing the download form after uploading a file will no longer cause the file to be duplicated.
  • Homepages:
    • Improved the styling of the Homepage Designer to prevent large image previews breaking the page layout.
    • Select boxes within modals are now limited to a maximum of 95% of the available width, to prevent select boxes with long options breaking the layout of the modal.
  • Galaxies:
    • Fixed an issue with Jadu Search on Galaxies sites, where it includes unpublished homepage information in the search result list, it now shows results from published visible homepages only.
    • Fixed an issue with the Announcements module that caused Tracked URLs tabs to be visible in Galaxies sites.
    • Fixed an issue with the Asset manager that caused the Image editor tab to be visible in Galaxies sites.
  • Content Schedule:
    • Fixed the display of metadata `valid from` and `valid to` fields that was showing 1/1/1970 for some time zones.
    • The content schedule list now includes content schedules from forms if Jadu XFP is installed.
  • Blogs:
    • Fixed an issue with the blog settings page, that prevented anyone other than the record owner from viewing the page.
  • Supplements:
    • Fixed an issue where deleting links from a navigation supplement would behave unexpectedly.
  • Reports:
    • Fixed a memory limit error in the Successful User Logins report when the number of entries for the given time period is large.
  • Control Centre login:
    • An additional parameter, "login_type" is now passed to CXM when logging into Jadu CMS via Jadu CXM.
    • Fixed Control Centre forgot password form validation to send email only when there is an exact match with the submitted email address.
  • Control Centre user interface:
    • Fixed changed ownership modals on Galaxies sites to also include any shared admins.
    • Added a fix to prevent horizontal scrollbar from appearing on all pages when using Google Chrome or related browsers.
  • LLPG import:
    • Fixed an issue with the LLPG import task, which caused it to fail when the DTF file contained a delete entry.
  • Link checker:
    • Fixed an issue causing the link checker to lose the database connection when checking a large number of links, and result in some broken link records not being inserted into the database.
  • Integrations:
    • Renamed "Google Custom Search Engine" to "Google Programmable Search Engine".
  • Photon templates:
    • The accessibility settings page of the GDS Photon Galaxies theme now loads correctly.
    • Fixed registered users registration date to remain unchanged upon updating user details.
    • Added autofill values to personal details forms, for WCAG 2.1 AA compliance.
    • Added missing "page_specific_stylesheet" parameter to the document category controller. This would prevent homepage specific styles from being included when a homepage was assigned to a category.


Updated friendly URL handling 

Extensive work has been undertaken to refactor the handling of friendly URLs on Photon installations. This has moved the processing of friendly URLs fully into the Symfony route handler to improve performance. Processing of friendly URLs has moved from the web server, to the PHP application, as a pre-request Symfony event listener is now employed.  

As a consequence of the change in technology, there have been a number of minor changes in behaviour, including: 

  • When creating a friendly URL to a page on a different website, the browser will now be redirected to the new location rather than rewritten. This will mean the browser address bar will be updated with the new URL. They will return a 302 HTTP status code.
  • Friendly URLs to Jadu blogs will also now redirect rather than rewrite, meaning that the browser address bar will be updated with the new URL. They will return a 302 HTTP status code.
  • Friendly URLs will no longer be case sensitive on Photon installations ie. /buspasses and /BusPasses will both direct to the same destination without separate records being added for each.
  • MyJadu API endpoints now use a Symfony compatible controller, rather than a stand alone page, when used on a Photon installation.
  • .htaccess file is no longer used by the CMS application on Photon installations, however Classic systems will continue to use .htaccess. The URLrewriter DLL library will remain available, but is no longer required for Photon installations on the Windows Server operating system.


  • Scheduled tasks
    • Further information added to scheduled task log to aid in debugging issues.
  • Directories
    • A view live link is now present on a directory record in the action menu


  • Photon
    • `microsites/templates/htaccess_readable` is no longer published in Galaxies site htaccess when you republish the readable urls.
    • Galaxies can now be accessed using shortcut URL when there is a domain name.
    • Galaxies themes external attribution links use https rather than http protocol.
    • Improved encoding of values in textareas.
  • Directories
    • Exporting Directory Entries with incomplete metadata no longer fails.
    • Directory record import and export options are now processed correctly.
    • Exporting empty fields no longer causes data to shift over in the exported CSV file.
  • Friendly URLs
    • Friendly URLs Bulk Import no longer fails after clicking the "Cancel" button in the modal.
  • Content locks
    • Lock modal now shows lock date and time.
    • Content lock list now shows the current admin’s locks.
    • Homepage designer page > lock modal now locks and unlocks correctly.
  • News
    • Admins with restricted content views can now see more than one page of news.
  • Administrators
    • Deleting an admin from a Galaxies site no longer causes other admin records with the same ID to be deleted.
  • Maintenance
    • Fixed an issue where cache clearing script would not flush certain caches.
  • MyJadu API
    • Admin Tasks and Rupa endpoints are no longer accessible and can no longer be enabled in the Control Center.
    • API keys no longer require approval if the API set to be public.
    • API Module Access checkboxes now behave correctly when setting API restrictions for a specific user.
    • Help text description of a public API has been corrected.
    • CMS version API endpoint now returns the correct value when queried on a Galaxies site.
    • Change in behavior - some API endpoints that would previously have returned resource not found, will now return 404 on Galaxies ie. Councillors.
  • Scheduled tasks
    • Improved identification of tasks that required restarting.



  • Friendly URLs
    • The friendly URL list view in the Control Centre may now be filtered by the actual URL of the friendly URL, as requested by customers. 


  • Reports
    • Added greater flexibility on the class that defines a report to facilitate moving reports into the queue for delayed execution.


  • Galaxies
    • web.config is now properly created for Galaxies sites published in a Windows environment, created using our latest installer.



  • The JaduEncryptionBundle dependency has been incremented to version 2.0.0, which removes encryption annotation support and offers performance improvements.



  • Directories
    • View live on directory record page now works correctly for Galaxies sites.
  • Homepages
    • Homepages can now be successfully deleted from the homepage designer page.
  • Galaxies sites
    • Galaxies sites on Linux operating system using Photon templates no longer require a second publishing event after they are first published to ensure that URLs work as intended.
  • Photon
    • X-sendfile is properly utilised where set when a file response is sent.
    • News preview now loads correctly when using Photon template set.

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