
Continuum #109

Release notes

New Added support for Beta features. 

Be part of shaping the future of Jadu software by opting into our Beta program. The new option in “Settings >> Site Settings” enables pre-release functionality on that site, so you can feedback and let us know what you think. The first functionality to be made available as part of the Beta program will be Menu Manager, stay tuned for future announcements on when this will be available.



Fix Fixed the "Dormant users in period" report to prevent it running out of memory with large data sets, if the data exceeds 4500 rows the report will output as downloadable CSV instead.

Fix Fixed migration Version20190424143355 which would fail if a compressed microsite directory was present in the microsite directory; this migration now only operates on directories.

Fix Fixed issue which would occasionally prevent Control Center login if the page was left open for an extended period of time.

Fix Added support for two columns pages in Spectral galaxies theme (Photon installs only).

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 19.3.0

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