
Continuum #90

Fix Replaced slugs that conflict with reserved URLs and added validation to new URLs against the reserved keywords.

Fix Added an option to receive the admin accessed pages report as a CSV email attachment and fixed the broken UI when the data is too much to be displayed.

Fix Fixed the placement of document widgets in homepages when combined with a content widget.

Fix Fixed updating the galaxies site owner e-mail from the galaxies settings page in main Control Centre to reflect in the galaxies site database as well.

Fix Fixed saving image widget when combined with a content widget in the homepage designer page.

Fix Fixed the link checker schedule that was not running when the PHP timezone is set to US/Eastern.

Fix Fixed moving the supplements to re-order properly after changing their positions.

Fix Fixed the URLs displayed in Page column for accessed pages report in Galaxies.

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Semantic version: 18.2.1

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