
Continuum #25

Disable administrator account, and new user interface improvements

New in this release

Disable administrator account
Occassionally, you will need to remove administrator access from a user, but not wish to delete any of the data associated with that user. You can now simply disable a user's account, and re-enable it should you need to in the future.

Release notes

New Ability to disable an administrator within the control centre.

New Users must now reconfirm their email address if they update it when email verification is enabled.

Fix Urls generated by search pages no longer fail validation where multiple result collections are in use.

Fix Due to changes to their API, a MapQuest API key must now be defined to use their postcode look up service. This value should be defined as 'MAPQUEST_MAPS_API_KEY'.

Fix Website statistic schedules are now saved correctly within a galaxies site.

Fix Directory categories can no longer be created without defining a valid parent.

Fix Concurrent logins are now prevented when integration with CAS authentication service is in use.

Fix Fixed an issue where the last search result was not shown when using advanced search in a directory.

Fix WOFF2 font files no longer trigger a 404 not found error on Windows IIS.

Fix Snippets in document editor content are now handled correctly in meeting minutes.

Fix Minor UI fixes related to the new navigation style.

Fix Fixed an issue where empty values caused an SQL error.

Fix Fixed an issue where an ampersand in the title of the page would cause the url separator (- or _) to be repeated.

Fix Saving a document no longer triggers a "Do you want to navigate away from this page?" alert box to be shown.

Fix Content is no longer lost when editing homepage content in IE11 using CKEditor.

Default template release notes

New Users must now reconfirm their email address if they update it when email verification is enabled.

Breaking changes

  • Three additional methods should now be defined on user adapters: setUserEmailConfirmed($userID), setUserEmailUnconfirmed($userID, $email) and isUserEmailConfirmed($userID)
  • Due to changes to their API, a MapQuest API key must now be defined to use their postcode look up service. This value should be defined as 'MAPQUEST_MAPS_API_KEY'.


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