
Continuum #34

Many minor bug fixes in blogs and galaxies. Minor improvements to default template set.

Release notes

New The Integration details table is now also present in Galaxies sites and CXM integration can be enabled for a galaxies site.

Fix Fixed an issue where the email address verification link would be incorrectly rendered for hotmail accounts.

Fix CXM integration now handles errors thrown by the CXM API in a better way.

Fix Fixed an issue where user could not re-attempt to login after a failed login.

Fix Disabled dropdowns are now indicated by being greyed out.

Fix Autosave information message has been restyled to be more in keeping with the new user interface

Fix Tables within lightboxes no longer have orange hover effect

Fix Password reminder emails are no longer queued for blog admin users.

Fix Blogs no longer allow duplicate comments to be submitted.

Fix Error is no longer thrown when a blog post is deleted.

Fix Blog sessions are correctly regenerated after changes of privilege level.

Fix Blog login page now redirects correctly if it is accessed without specifying a blogID parameter.

Fix Drop down menus in the blog user interface now include the caret icon.

Fix Fixed an issue where incorrect translation content mapping could be generated.

Fix Poll result page in galaxies sites now shows correct results.

Fix Constants in galaxies sites navigation widgets are now defined correctly.

Fix No longer see javascript error in the galaxies site control center.

Fix Fixed an issue where the list of comments on a translation task could sometimes redirect from the galaxies site to the main site.

Fix Fixed mixed content warning on the directory record page of a galaxy.

Fix Galaxy site templates now use the correct ID to generate the list of mapped content.

Fix Fixed an issue where the wrong mapped translation item could be shown if latest news was included.

Fix Added missing include to directory_home.php in galaxies site templates.

Fix Fixed the breadcrumb on galaxies site directory record submission.

Fix Fixed minor bugs in CXM user integration.

Fix Improved field validation when saving CXM integration values.

Fix Removed redundant data sent to the CXM API when making a request.

Fix Fixed an issue where lightboxes were not correctly stacked.

Fix Fixed sending of test email on the user's account management page.

Update Integrations user interface now includes icons in the navigation.

Update Added automated tests for CXM integrations page and front end sign in as CXM user.

Security Improved security when interacting with CXM API.


Default template release notes

Fix Search results now strip out title text using | or - separators.

Fix A to Z live search results have valid id attributes.

Fix Fixed PHP notices being generated on editing a directory record.

Fix Fixed PHP notices being generated on updating your user details.

Fix Event summary submission now shows help text for the max number of characters.

Fix Fixed PHP notices being generated when viewing a users form submissions.

Fix Fixed PHP notices being generated when a user signs in.

Fix Sign in page now redirects back to last page if referrer isn't set in request.

Fix Fixed issue where every other directory submission failed.

Fix Site taxonomy now used in directory breadcrumb.

Fix Updated widgets to correct PHP notices.


Request the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 13.2.0