
Continuum #40

HTTPS only Galaxies sites, improved WebDav interactions and accessibility statement migration tool.

Release notes

New Added HTTPS support to Galaxies sites.

New New installs will now use a vHost that has been refactored into managable chunks.

New Improved WebDAV password security for Control Center users.

New An Accessibility statement migration tool has been created.

Fix "View Links" functionality has been optimised and refactored to avoid high memory usage.

Fix Tab page navigation in translations user interfaces now work correctly.

Fix CKEditor snippet entry window has been increased in size and redundant resize option removed.

Fix Image editor preview now works consistently on Windows installs.

Fix Duplicate eGov contact supplement records now removed from the database.

Fix Metadata modified date of a directory record is now updated when the record is saved.

Fix Fixed an issue where saving rich text content in Internet Explorer triggered a JavaScript error.

Fix Scheduled website statistics emails now include the attachment correctly.

Fix Fatal error is no longer triggered when approving a homepage.

Fix CXM integration page now allows the service API key to be saved separately to the CXM OAuth service.

Fix Editing images in submitted directory records has been improved on Galaxies sites.

Fix HTML entities in category names no longer appear double encoded in the assign category button.

Fix Updating A-Z service contact name now correctly updates the supplement record list.

Fix New installs no longer have two Integration menu entries.

Fix Universe search now return A-Z records that do not have additional titles.

Fix Combining widgets with CKEditor no longer causes JavaScript errors.

Update Converted `Security` classes to adhere to PSR-4 standard.

Update Priority column removed from JaduQueueJobs as its not used.


Default template release notes

Fix Updated widgets to support HTTPS Galaxies sites.


Request the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 13.8.0