
Continuum #38

Manage admin access rights by creating and assigning roles.

New in this release


Admin roles
Role based access rights make it easier to manage the privileges given to a group of similar users. Each role specifies the functionality that a user has access to on your platform, helping you create and organise administrators efficiently.

Release notes

New Admin access privileges can now be assigned based on an admin's role, rather than individually.

New `getById` method added to Office 365 integration DataMapper class.

New  Implemented a AbstractDataMapper class which extends Jadu_DataMapper. Jadu_DataMapper has been deprecated in favour of AbstractDataMapper.

Fix The link checker no longer marks links starting "tel:" as broken.

Fix Editing homepage settings no longer removes live status from the homepages applied categories.

Fix "Manage admins" interface of Galaxies site builder now functions without JavaScript errors.

Fix Stalled scheduled tasks rescheduler now also applies to galaxies sites.

Fix Removed usage of the `createSchema` method in database migrations as it throws an error if `enum` datatype in used.

Fix Script tags are now stripped prior to widget content being rendered to prevent JavaScript `$` variables being parsed as PHP variables.

Fix Web site statistics tables are now ignored when creating a Galaxies site content pack.

Fix Duplicate translation workflow route configuration removed.

Update Session variable name has been updated to allow different third party integrations to be used on main site and galaxies sites.

Update Converted `API` classes to adhere to PSR-4 standard.

Update Converted `Media` classes to adhere to PSR-4 standard.

Update Converted `Exceptions` classes to adhere to PSR-4 standard.

Update Converted `Encode` classes to adhere to PSR-4 standard.


Default template release notes

Fix Allowing user to edit the image uploaded to the directories in the front end.

Fix Script tags are now stripped prior to widget content being rendered to prevent JavaScript $ variables being parsed as PHP variables.


Request the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 13.6.0